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2024 Illinois Service Rifle Championship

Larry Ingram of the I.S.R.A. (left) presents Tim Klauer with the Sherwood Coul trophy

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Shooters from four different states came out to compete in this year's Illinois Service Rifle Championship. The Illinois State Rifle Association conducts the tournament, but it's the fine facilities of the Milan Rifle Club that leave a lasting impression on the participants.

While weather for an outdoor event such as this can be finicky in the midwest, the skies were clear and blue with warm temperatures and a great day to shoot.

Things started off at the 200 yard line with the slow-fire standing match of 20 record shots. Former Illinois, but now Wisconsin, resident Liam McKenna won here with a score of 197. Hot on his heels were the 196's of Mark Aussieker and Jim Appleby.

We remained at the 200 yard line but now fired two rapid-fire strings of 10 shots each from the sitting position. Six shooters fired perfect scores of 200 so it would come down to tie-breaking X's to determine the winner. McKenna's solid 17X was helped by a 10X clean on his second string to lead here. Just behind was Tim Klauer's 12X and Konrad Powers with an 11X.

McKenna was obviously in the overall lead at this point by winning the first two stages. But Appleby was only a single point behind and Aussieker trailed by three.

For the third stage the distance to the target increases to 300 yards and rapid-fire prone. Joel Falk dominated here with a 200 and 13X. Second was John Lowe with another 200 but 11X. Klauer let a nine creep in and was third with a 199.

McKenna now widened his lead by five points over Aussieker and six points over Falk. Could he keep up this blistering pace? The answer would come at the fourth and final stage of the day.

Things wrapped up at the 600 yard line and slow-fire from the prone position. Here, Klauer put on a show firing the only clean, a 200 with 11 X's. Trailing were the 197's of Powers, Falk, and McKenna.

McKenna kept up the pressure all day to earn the highest score. But his Wisconsin residency denied his access to the state championship. That honor went to Klauer and the fifth Sherwood Cool trophy of his career.

The ISRA would like to thank the Milan Rifle Club for providing the facilities for this state championship, as well as Jon Casillas, Mike James, Tim Klauer, Ken Mahl, and Jim Vaughn for handling communications.

Individual Championship
August 31, 2024
Class Competitor 200SF 200RF 300RF 600SF Aggregate
HM Liam McKenna 197-8 200-17 198-6 197-5 792-36
IL Service Rifle Champion Tim Klauer 188-3 200-12 199-9 200-11 787-35
HM Mark Aussieker 196-7 198-3 196-4 194-7 784-21
HM John J. Lowe 187-3 200-10 200-11 196-7 783-31
HM Konrad Powers 191-2 200-11 194-7 197-12 782-32
HM James Vaughn 192-4 197-7 198-7 192-9 779-27
HM James Appleby 196-3 200-9 191-3 191-8 778-23
HM John Roth 187-5 195-7 195-7 196-10 773-29
HM Bill Besgrove 190-2 194-4 196-1 193-7 773-14
HM Benjamin Pickel 189-4 191-4 190-3 191-8 761-19
HM Michael A. James 171-1 195-5 199-7 195-6 760-19
HM Derek M. Dattner 174-2 195-5 195-9 190-4 754-20
HM Jon B. Casillas 182-1 195-5 189-2 186-4 752-12
MA Joel Falk 190-3 199-7 200-13 197-9 786-32
MA Charley Appleby 185-3 195-8 196-4 188-7 764-22
MA Ken Mahl 180-2 198-5 195-1 190-4 763-12
MA Scott M. Dzekute 183-2 199-3 194-3 184-4 760-12
MA Lawrence Ingram 183-1 189-4 197-9 184-3 753-17
MA Jim Hopkins 177-1 186-2 196-4 193-2 752-9
MA Craig A. Zuidema 186-1 192-5 188-2 186-3 752-11
MA Maia Pickel 173-2 188-2 187-4 186-2 734-10
EX Thomas Anderson 161-0 187-5 194-4 172-1 714-10
EX Harry Brenneman 182-3 200-4 118-1 177-4 677-12
EX Dave Kleinschrodt 135-0 98-2 172-1 172-4 577-7
MK Coty Greer 157-0 180-1 186-1 178-3 701-5
MK Jacob Pickel 137-0 177-0 191-3 187-2 692-5
MK Michael Milen 134-0 162-0 152-0 168-2 616-2

Governor's Ten
August 31, 2024
Competitor Aggregate
1 Tim Klauer 787-35
2 Joel Falk 786-32
3 Mark Aussieker 784-21
4 John J. Lowe 783-31
5 Konrad Powers 782-32
6 James Vaughn 779-27
7 James Appleby 778-23
8 John Roth 773-29
9 Charley Appleby 764-22
10 Ken Mahl 763-12

Team Match
September 1, 2024
Class 200SF 200RF 300RF 600SF Aggregate
HM Wandering Zeros
Tim Klauer 191-4 199-10 197-10 198-5 785-29
John J. Lowe 190-6 199-8 195-4 196-13 780-31
Joel Falk 188-2 198-7 200-11 193-7 779-27
Jim Hopkins 178-0 189-4 197-5 193-7 757-16
747-12 785-29 789-30 780-32 3101-103
HM Milan Gold
Michael A. James 184-4 194-7 196-6 196-6 770-23
John Roth 185-4 195-3 196-8 196-10 772-25
James Appleby 193-5 199-9 196-5 190-7 778-26
Charley Appleby 179-3 199-11 186-3 187-3 751-20
741-16 787-30 774-22 769-26 3071-94
Lawrence Ingram 184-6 192-6 199-10 193-5 768-27
Jon B. Casillas 164-0 193-4 195-8 185-2 737-14
Ken Mahl 173-1 197-5 199-11 195-5 764-22
Craig A. Zuidema 161-2 197-8 196-6 189-7 743-23
682-9 779-23 789-35 762-19 3012-86

Not enough non-distinguished shooters participated to conduct a CMP E-I-C match.